Advance Polymer Control can improve your shot to shot consistency. We will reprocess your regrind (clean, not contaminated with another plastic)to reduce or eliminate non-fill and improve screw recovery. We realize reprocessed is still regrind but when the pellet sizes are the same (virgin and regrind)the injection molding machine does not have to adjust for dust or large chunks of regrind.
Our extrusion process consists of sending the regrind through two metal detectors, a .024 screen pack and a dust collector. The heats are set to the recommended manufacturing material heat profile. Residence time in the extruder is less then 10 seconds. Our magnets have picked up wire ties, allen wrenches, bolts, and screws. Our screen pack picks up non-ferrous items such as: copper, brass, bronze, and other metals that do not adhere to magnets. It also picks up small chunks of plastic that does not melt for various reasons.
Materials we reprocess are LCP, PBT, Nylon's and PCT. If you have other materials you want processed let us know. Remember your first gaylord will be free of charge. Call or e-mail us for details.